Aspiring to help women inclusively; live their happiest, healthiest lives
Wholesome Lotus Health Coaching
Why Health Coaching?
From trending fad diets to overly pushed prescription drugs, there are a plethora of ways to overcome your physical and mental challenges. But how many of these methods are actually sustainable for the long run? The answer is not many, due to their tendencies to be either extreme, depriving, numbing, or creating a hyper dependance. This results in dissolution of the self and confusion of what your unique being actually needs to reach fulfillment. Today’s modern day systems do not consider the mental and physical health of individuals within society. Not to mention the vast amount of information out in the media realm that can seem not only overwhelming, but also contradicting. I know, it’s sounding hopeless, but I have something very important to tell you; all the answers you need are already within you! Only you can truly decide which style of eating makes you feel best in mind and body. Only you can purely cleanse your mind of ailments, and only you have all the power to do so for yourself. You may now be wondering, where does a health coach come into play if it’s all up to me? Well if you give me the esteemed opportunity, I will support you step by step towards achieving your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical goals, I will help guide you through your own journey of self discovery in order to gain the ability to tap into your inner core and truth, and most importantly I will be there for you while you enhance your foundation of confidence and self love. I will do all of this, all while providing a comfortable, non-judgmental space where you can freely express yourself. Yes, only you have the power to get the results you desire, but I would love to help clear a path for you in order to make your journey go a bit smoother. The current methods you are applying to overcome your challenges may be working now, but they also may be unsustainable long term and can only be bridges to the future sustainable changes to come. Let me, help you become the Wholesome Lotus that’s always been within you!
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The Meaning of Wholesome Lotus
You are a lotus flower! Just like the lotus you are resilient, strong, and you are on a path to renewal. Also the lotus submerges from muddy waters into a state of regenerated beauty and grace, and as goes my favorite saying from monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, If there is no mud there is no lotus. This signifies the meaning of balance, in that without struggle there is no gratification. We wouldn’t understand the true meaning of happiness without first understanding the deepest meaning of despair. For this reason there is always optimism for the future, because the other piece of the puzzle of balance always exists and has to reveal itself one way or another. So now it is your time to experience your healthy lotus side, and I would love to support you in finding it!
The Time is Now
Do NOT let self doubt or the fear of change hinder you from making a positively life altering decision. You deserve to live through pure fulfillment! We can work together towards you, not only feeling healthy, but actually being holistically healthy in mind, body, and spirit. I understand, letting go of current lifestyle habits seems daunting and difficult to overcome. But you must remember you are worthy of creating the life you desire without limitations, and it is 100% possible to do so with support, consistency, courage, and faith. So the time is now! Hold on because we’ve got quite the ride ahead of us, how exciting!